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In the online retail world, traffic is the foundation of your brand’s success.

If you can’t drive traffic to your site, conversion and analytics (the second and third tactics) won’t matter.

But, how exactly do you increase ecommerce traffic? A variety of ways. Today, we’ll be covering:

  • Search Engine Optimization: The strategy to increase net new organic (non-paid) traffic over time.
  • Social Media and Social Media Strategy: The strategy to engage with your audience on social media platforms to bring them and their friends back to your site.
  • AdWords/PPC: The strategy of paid placement across the web to earn net new traffic and re-capture visitors who bounced.
  • Google Shopping: The strategy of using Google Shopping to earn middle and bottom of funnel traffic (i.e. high-converting traffic).

The most important thing that decides the amount of money that you would be able to generate online is traffic. If it is via ads that you are hoping to generate revenue from your website, it is necessary that a large number of people visit your website so that they can view the ad. Similarly, if you are offering certain services or showcasing your talent online, you would want a large number of people to know about it. Therefore, traffic is the prime factor that you must focus upon if you want to earn money online.

What are the advantages of buying traffic?

  • You control your time – Less time worrying means less time consumption. Now, you can set your goals freely. No more “behind the schedule” campaigns.
  • Save More, Earn More – When you buy website traffic, you are saving a big portion of your income. Instead of paying ad campaigns which could only generate minimal profit, you could invest in traffic buying. Buying traffic does not only let you save more, it also produces more targeted traffic to your site. More traffic, more earnings!
  • Flexibility on its finest – You gain control of your traffic. You could easily prompt your traffic to arrive at your website just after you make important contents and articles. This could become a make or break of for your website. As they said, timing is everything.

Buy targeted traffic and get linked

    • Buy traffic through keyword targeting and advertise on Google Adwords.
    • Buy advertising space on websites which are in your niche or are relevant to your website.
    • If you are paying for links, it is advisable to use nofollow links. Sponsored listings without nofollow are likely to penalize both the linker and the one linking.
    • Guest blog on websites which are relevant to your niche. Link to your website via your profile. If you are able to get links to your website via blogger outreach emails, this is a sure way to increase website traffic.
    • Sponsor adverts in newsletters on websites which your target demographic visits
    • Create a rewarding affiliate program and focus on growing it…rather than thinking of the margin you are giving away (-ve), think of it this way (+ve): 1) Free backlinks, 2) leads which you otherwise would have lost

Targeted Traffic is driven directly to your site from targeted sources that pertain to your niche. If you’re running an e-commerce website that is specializing in electronic goods, we are going to help you target individuals who are looking to purchase a flash drive, external hard drive, cam corder or any other related good that you might be offering. This is possible because our traffic network has more than 100,000 participating websites. Out of those websites we are able to strategically and accurately place your website on other websites that are directly related to your website. These visitors will be more inclined to make purchases from you, because they are already seeking out the type of website that you have.

Targeted traffic is “qualified” or “quality” traffic. What this means is that site visitors coming through to your website or landing page are most likely actively looking for the products, services and other information that you already have in your site. This should be the goal of your website, and your overall digital marketing efforts! The following reasons will tell you why:

Targeted Traffic Provides Better Chances for Conversion

Perhaps the single best and most important reason why your digital marketing campaign needs targeted traffic are conversions– to generate sales! That’s the ultimate goal for any business website and corresponding digital marketing efforts to drive traffic. As mentioned earlier, even if you have tons of website traffic going through your virtual doors on a daily basis, but not of it ever converts into sales or leads, then all your digital marketing efforts– and the investment that go with them– are simply flushed down the drain.

Targeted traffic offers a greater chance for conversions; as a majority of targeted online visitors are seeking the information that your website may supply, and it provides a better chance of them purchasing your products or services should it cater to whatever need they may have. Even if you only have a trickle of traffic visiting your website, but most of these visitors convert to either leads or sales, then that would be traffic worth receiving. In short:

Targeted Traffic ==> Higher Conversion Rates ==> Higher Sales ==> You Make More MONEY!

targeted traffic

Targeted Traffic Is Needed for a Profitable ROI of your Paid Advertising Campaign Investment

Embarking on a paid advertising campaign is one of the most effective strategies in generating targeted traffic to your landing pages or directly to your main website. It involves a bit of investment and that means cost. If your paid campaign generates traffic that does not convert into sales, then your campaign is a failure, and you would have just wasted valuable time and resources.

With targeted traffic that converts into sales, you can expect a faster return on all your paid advertising; allowing you to launch an even better, more massive and more effective campaign! At this point however, it would be important to take careful note of conversion rates in relation to the amount of targeted traffic you receive and the price of your product or service.

Let’s say that you are selling a product worth $50 through your website and are using paid ads to promote and market your product online. If you pay approximately $0.50 per click through your ads, then you’ll need a conversion rate of more than 1 % from all your site traffic.

Targeted Traffic Builds Your Brand Reputation.

People online are constantly seeking huge amounts of information for whatever needs or purposes they may have on a daily basis. More often than not, online users get directed to a website, either through a natural search engine query or clicking on what they thought was a relevant ad, only to find information or content that really does not provide the answers they need. Many will simply get frustrated from all these websites and marked them useless.

If you are generating the right kind of targeted traffic  to your website– the kind that is actively searching for content about certain kinds of services or products– and if your website manages to deliver the content they need, you’ll end up with a happy and satisfied visitors, who’ll have no qualms of going back to your website on a regular basis. This would truly be a big boost to your brand’s online reputation, which will be catapulted to even greater heights once these satisfied web visitors start telling other people about your brand, product or services!

best sales funel

Targeted Traffic Gives Better Chances for Repeat Sales.

Targeted website visitors finding what they need from the content of your website and online channels, will most likely go back to your website for second helpings of the good stuff you offer. There’s even a greater possibility that they will purchase more of what you offer during their subsequent visit; if they have purchased anything during their first visit.

It is a natural tendency for people to work with individuals, stores and other business entities that they know, like & trust. There is a greater likelihood that they’d be willing to conduct business with you again if they were completely satisfied during their initial business transactions with you. If you continue to provide them with quality content to satisfy their needs, then you will gain an important army of followers –frequently visiting your website– generating even more repeat sales.

Targeted Traffic Helps Increase Your Page Rankings.

Targeted traffic is quality traffic that not only increases your sales, but improves your branding and your online reputation. With this high level of credibility among targeted users, you and your site will eventually be branded as an authority and reliable source in your respective niche. This will give your website more opportunities of generating back links from relevant websites.

As discussed before on previous articles related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)… a good flow of targeted traffic, reinforced by incoming links, is a surefire ingredient in helping your website rank higher in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). These are the kinds of ingredients search engines like Google loves and will reward you with good rankings.

Targeted Traffic Ensures Your Business Survival.

Site visitors represent the number of people that pass through the doors of your business on a daily basis. For argument sake, let’s assume your website is a brick-and-mortar business. As you know, with any brick-and-mortar business, some folks entering your store or establishment really don’t know what they’re looking for and simply look around, sorting through items you have on sale, trying to look for things that they deemed worthy enough to buy. In many cases, these types of people just go and come without making any purchases.

As you can see, by applying this same scenario to your business websites or online store; without targeted traffic that gets converted into sales, your business will have a tendency to close and cease to exist.

“Buying traffic shouldn’t be complicated. It should be as simple as finding information on Google. That’s what WebTargetedTraffic.com is all about… Simple, reliable, self-service platform for advertisers that delivers targeted, quality traffic, and results.”

It’s not easy to grow an audience. When you want to drive more qualified leads to your website, you have to be strategic.

As your online business’s ability to generate you money is down largely to how many visitors you can attract to your website, it may seem a little counter productive to actually spend money in order to find them. This attitude is fine, if you have a website that sits proudly atop the search engine results page rankings, but if you do not, relying entirely on the search engines and the organic web traffic that they can provide, could spell disaster for your online business venture.

Although spending money to actually buy your website some guaranteed web traffic may reduce your overall online business’s profits by a small margin, it can actually prove to be incredibly beneficial in the long run. It should also be noted that there are many additional benefits to purchasing guaranteed website traffic, other than simply receiving the traffic itself.

One of the major boons that can be achieved from buying web traffic is the ability to specifically target the exact type of visitor that you feel would benefit the most from the kind of website that you operate. Not every online retailer of web traffic will offer you such a range of targeting options, but we at Traffic Masters do.

The first way in which you can target your website visitors is through the selection of a specific niche category from which we will draw your traffic. There are literally dozens of categories to choose from and we have spent the entirety of our existence as a company ensuring that we grow our traffic sourcing database to fulfill the needs of every possible type of website that there is out there on the world wide web. If there is a specific niche that you feel your website is best suited towards, we are extremely confident that we will have it covered. In the incredibly rare instance that we do not already have it covered, be sure to inform us of this fact and we will promise to do all in our power to put it right as soon as is operationally possible.

Targeting your website’s visitors in this way ensures that those visitors that we sell you will have at least some passing interest in the subject matter of your website. Studies have shown that if a visitor identifies with the way a website covers their niche of interest they will in all liklihood make a return visit to that site in the future, without the website having to pay for the privilege. You can of course, tilt the odds in your favor by encouraging your site’s visitors to sign up to your online business’s mailing lists or social media sites, and many will be willing to do so. Once they are signed up, you can contact them at your own leisure to remind them of what your site has to offer.

The other method of targeting your website visitors that we offer at Web Targeted Traffic is the ability to geographically target your potential web traffic. This is particularly useful if the service that your website provides has a localized ‘real world’ application. If you run a website for a restaurant or a landscaping business for example, then being able to pinpoint a specific geographic location, near to the central hub of your online business, is obviously beneficial.

guaranteed visitorsEven in a slightly less localized context is pays to ensure that the visitors that you buy are at least capable of understanding the language on which your website is based. Many lesser retailers of website traffic will try to get away with sending you masses of visitors from countries that do not speak the same language as the website that has purchased the traffic in the first place. Although good online translation programs exist, this practice still significantly reduces the chances that any of the visitors will buy what your website has to offer.

WEB TARGETED TRAFFIC from Web Targeted Traffic .com – is a certified website traffic supplier providing 100% real human visitors to its clients. The company operates with their trusted network of partners that deliver high quality human traffic and ensures that every campaign is prioritized.

WEB TARGETED TRAFFIC stands firm on their belief that each client should only be given high quality online website visitors, no questions asked.

HIGHLY recommended to ANY web-master that is looking for REAL results in REAL time.

Get your campaign up and running in minutes. Then sit back, and watch a swarm of targeted visitors rushing to your site.

start now


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