Want the skinny on how you can drive traffic to your website? The following traffic-driving strategies are organic in nature. You won’t have to pay a single dollar for traffic that falls under this bucket. But you will have to trade your time. And since time is more valuable than money, in that it can only be used once then it’s gone forever, there’s still a significant cost involved depending on your skill level.

High-ranking pages will usually display several (if not all) of these ranking signals including:

  • High-quality, relevant content. This means content that humans (not just search engines) want to read and find useful. Relevance is judged by the search term or related terms being included in the page text.
  • Increase read times. It used to be the case that the more times you used a particular keyword on a page, the better it would rank. However, this is now seen as over-optimization and is likely to be penalized with a lower search listing. Instead, use enough keywords to get noticed and then back that with a quality, engaging article that will keep visitors on your site.
  • Properly structured. Use appropriate HTML tags for headings, images, etc. Aim for shorter paragraphs and sections. An article with under 300 words per section is ideal.
  • Mobile-friendly. The page is easy to use and read on mobile devices. Anyone whose website isn’t mobile-friendly in 2020 isn’t going to cut it.
  • Fast load time. Your website should load within the first three seconds of visiting. You may have tons of animations, images, and ads that you want to cram in, but these things just slow down your load times and get in the user’s way.
  • Your site is secure. Preferably using HTTPS rather than HTTP — especially important for ecommerce sites and other sites that collect user data. The public is becoming more aware of privacy concerns related to tech and will place more priority on it in the near future.
  • Use links from other high-quality websites. Quality beats quantity, and a few links from authority websites are infinitely more valuable than thousands of low-quality links. Incorporating relevant links into your own website is even better.

Advanced Strategies: Drive Targeted Traffic by Optimizing Your Website

– Focus on Mobile Usability

Internet browsing is no longer done solely on desktops – more and more people are using mobile devices to access the web. In fact, research shows that 70% of website traffic happens on a mobile device.

If your website is not optimized for mobile, your mobile visitors are not likely to come back.

Use Google’s Page Insights Tool to check the friendliness of your mobile layout and see if it conforms to guidelines. You should also make sure that all your posts and content are AMP-specification ready.

So, make sure your website is responsive on all devices, pick a mobile-responsive theme, and make sure that your website content looks good on the mobile!

– Speed Up Your Website

Having a fast website translates to a good user experience. Research shows that website visitors are likely to leave your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

So, what you can always do is to speed test your site, pick a good hosting provider, and optimize your images (reduce image size) at least.

– Optimize Your CTR

Your CTR (Click-Through Rate) is one of your most important metrics.

While CTR optimization is not always the most straightforward thing, you can:

  • Include keywords in your title tag, URL, and meta description
  • Keep them all within the character limit using a tool like the SeoMofo Snippet Optimizer
  • Use power words
  • Write compelling titles (consult tools like Headline Analyzer

– Examine Analytics Data

Analytics tools such as Google Analytics allow you to track:

  • How and where your content is being shared.
  • Mobile traffic
  • Most visited pages
  • Referrals
  • Organic keywords

This can give you incredible insights into your audience and much much more.

Instead of operating on a blind guess, a tool like Google Analytics will help you make data-driven decisions on how to improve your website.

Get Listed in Online Directories

Another way to increase traffic to your website is to get listed in free online directories and review sites.

– Research Your Competitors

Some of these ways to get website traffic will work for you, some of them won’t.

At the end of the day, there’s no general rule for every type of business.

But what generally works for every business is finding successful examples of their business model in the same industry and learning from industry leaders.

That’s why you need to do a little digging – research what your competitors are using!

  • What’s their content strategy?
  • What keywords do they keep using in PPC?
  • Who are they collaborating with?

That’s always going to be the knowledge that’s most relevant to you.


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To reach the goal of optimizing your website for maximum conversions, you first need to improve the quantity and quality of your website traffic. Use the resources provided in this article as a starting point so you can grow your business effectively!