GUARANTEED Targeted Website Traffic for affiliates and ecommerce store

The best method of increasing the flow of potential customers is by using paid website traffic sources. This is a way to market your affiliate site and draw in new visitors who may not have otherwise found your site. It enables you to spend a little bit of money to get a quick return, in the form of increased visibility and a greater number of leads.

Paid traffic is a term that refers to traffic you get through direct marketing. We should make it clear that this is not the same as fake traffic, which is generated by software or dummy users. Rather, it’s a way to bring real visitors to your site by advertising on social media, using banners, or leveraging pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

Using paid traffic helps you get more visitors to your affiliate site. In turn, this increases your number of potential conversions, which can be particularly useful if your site is new and in need of quick income.

It also enables you to target an audience that matches your niche. Smaller sites can struggle to find their intended audience, which is something paid traffic can help you with.

While paid traffic comes with a price tag, it can be worth the cost to get a head-start on attracting customers and building brand awareness.

Of course, you’ll need to watch out for scammers, who don’t actually provide genuine traffic, but use tricks to increase your visitor numbers. For this reason, you should stick to trusted sources and not take chances, even if they offer tempting deals. We recommend checking out Google’s own advice on avoiding these scammers.

How do I get traffic to my affiliate website?

We’ve explored some of the most effective ways publishers can generate traffic for their affiliate offers and are sharing our top nine methods below.
  1. Paid online advertising. Advertising is the mainstay of lead generation. …
  2. YouTube. …
  3. Social media. …
  4. Blog posts. …
  5. Guest blogging. …
  6. Email Marketing. …
  7. Product reviews. …
  8. Quora.

What is the best traffic source for affiliate marketing?

Best Paid Website Traffic Sources to Consider for Your Affiliate Website
  1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising. PPC is a type of advertisement where your site is directly marketed on external sites. …
  2. Link and Banner Advertisements. Links and banners are the most basic types of advertisements online. …
  3. Social Media Advertising.

The 3 main ways you pay:

  • Cost Per Click (CPC) – You only pay when someone clicks on the ad. Example: You bid $.25 CPC. The most you’ll pay for each click is $.25

  • Cost Per Mille (CPM) – You pay for every 1000 views you get. Example: $2 CPM. If you ad is shown 10,000 times, you pay $20.

  • Flat rate – You pay a set amount regardless of clicks / views. Example: I’ll buy Ad Block B for one week for $500.

This sounds scary, but with paid traffic you have complete control over everything.

1. You can set the budget. If you can only afford $10 for the day, then it’ll only spend $10.

2. You can set the bids.

3. You can pause the campaign anytime. For example, if you wanted to spend $100 today on this campaign BUT after losing $50 you’re not that confident, you can pause it for now.

Why High-Quality Traffic Is Important for Your Affiliate Marketing Site

In affiliate marketing, high-quality traffic refers to visitors that engage – and in some instances, convert (i.e. make purchases). This is different than general traffic, as quality traffic is more likely to have a purpose (such as purchasing a product you promote) for visiting your site.

Quality traffic is important for the growth of your affiliate marketing site (and for reaching your goals). In fact, there are two specific benefits your site may experience as a direct result of increased high-quality traffic:

  1. An improvement in sales: As more targeted traffic gets driven to your site, it could likely result in more sales.
  2. An increase in brand exposure: With more traffic coming to your site, you can further publicize your brand to a wider audience – this is key to targeting even more quality traffic.

However, it’s not enough to understand the importance of high-quality traffic. You must also know how to bring it to your site.