Paid search advertising (the most common type of PPC) is one of the best marketing channels, when it comes to ROI.

1. Run Facebook Ads

With its algorithms constantly devaluing organic reach a 100% organic strategy just won’t cut it.

After all, 98% of your audience is not seeing your content regularly in their feeds.

To be truly effective with your ads, run split testing, and discover what functions best for your audience to turn Facebook ads into a sustainable, profitable part of your business.

2. Run Reddit Ads

Aside from being the third most popular website in the U.S, statistics also show that Reddit has 330 million monthly active users.

To successfully drive traffic through Reddit, the first thing you need to do is find a good subreddit with an audience that will be interested in your products or services.

The rest is merely knowing how to strike a good balance between offering valuable information and being promotional.

If you want to succeed you need to engage with the Reddit community genuinely. Only then can you get away with posting ads and links to your website content that’s relevant to the discussion.

This is important because marketers that just post ads on Reddit are usually downvoted.

Once you engage with the community in your subreddit you can invest in a sponsored post which guarantees that your post will be pinned to the top of the subreddit.

3. Run Twitter Ads

As is the case with some other social media networks, thanks to algorithm updates, organic reach on Twitter is also declining.

No wonder that 75% of B2B and 65% of B2C businesses are running Twitter ads – and if you’re not advertising on Twitter, your competitors are already one step ahead of you.

To get your Twitter campaign off to a good start, incorporate these techniques:

  • Be concise
  • Use images
  • Target keywords
  • Ask questions

4. Run Google Ads (PPC)

Investing in Google ads can be a quick way to increase website traffic from high-value commercial intent searches – “65% of all clicks made by “users who intend to buy” go to search ads.”

Of course, Google ad campaigns have a bit of a learning curve, but there’s nothing a good expert guide on the subject and some A/B testing can’t solve.

5. Run YouTube Ads

Before you start a YouTube ad campaign, you have to think about your target audience and how they consume content. But, as is always the case with ads, there’s a lot of trial and error – you can do A/B testing to find out which types of ads perform best.

Youtube has three types of ad formats you can choose from:

– TrueView Ad

After 5 seconds of watching this ad, users can choose to click “skip.” You’ll pay for this add if users watch it for 30 seconds or they click on the ad.

– TrueView Discovery

These types of ads show under-recommended videos or in Youtube search. You’ll pay for this ad if users click on it and watch the video.

– Bumper

Bumper ads are shorter but also unskippable. They’re shown before, during or after a video. You’ll pay for bumper ads when your ad is shown 1000 times.

6. Buy Ad Space On Similar Sites

Social media advertising is one thing, but advertising on similar websites is also a great way to increase website traffic.

Here are some of the ways in which you can buy ad space:

  • Directly from a website
  • By using an agency
  • Through an ad network such as Google Display Network
  • Through a marketplace such as

7. Advertise via Ad Networks

Using ad networks can help you generate ad revenue from your content. This will give you the chance to create digital ads that will target a focused group of customers.

Ad networks connect buyers and sellers. They target customers based on their behavior, location, job, and interests which will be impossible for you to do it on your own.

8. Use Retargeting

The majority of visitors will access your website a couple of times before they make a purchase. However, there is a great number of visitors that will open your website just once and never come back.

Retargeting is a cookie-based technology that uses simple Javascript code to follow your customers and bring them back by placing an ad for the product or service they reviewed.

Retargeting ads allow you to drive prospective customers back to your website which always increases the odds of conversion.


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