Analysts no longer just ask “how many people visited?” Now, it’s just as — if not more — important to find out:

  • How long did users stay? Bringing in huge amounts of traffic is ultimately meaningless if users leave after mere seconds. Metrics such as bounce rate and time on page pant a picture of how users behave.
  • What % of users made a purchase? For an online business to flourish, it needs a large audience. But it also needs to be the right audience. Determining how many users buy products, commonly measured by conversion rate, shows whether an ecommerce store is effectively selling marketing their product offerings.
  • How much does it cost to bring in a visitor? Some web traffic is free, but many online stores rely on paid traffic — such as PPC or affiliates — to support and grow their business. Cost of Acquiring Customers (CAC) and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) are arguably the two most important ecommerce metrics. When balanced with AOV (average order value) and CLV (customer lifetime value), a business can assess and adjust its ad spend as necessary.

Website traffic is not the be all, end all of ecommerce performance measurements. But it is still a great starting point to determine a website’s popularity and visibility.

Table of Contents

1. What is Website Traffic and how to interpret it?

Definition: Website traffic refers to web users who visit a website. Web traffic is measured in visits, sometimes called “sessions,” and is a common way to measure an online business effectiveness at attracting an audience.

2. How Do You Get Organic Traffic?

Let’s dive further into, exactly how you can begin to create the kind of content that explodes brands and builds their authority online.

Find Your Niche

A niche is a segment of the market you will focus on creating content for. It’s often a sub-segment of a larger niche—e.g., solo travel for women over 30.

Conducting a competitor analysis will help you understand the content that’s performing well in your intended niche and evaluate your chances of outranking your competition; it helps with creating unique content to increase traffic and assists in content strategy development.

Identify a Target Audience

What does this have to do with organic traffic?

Well, as it turns out, everything.

Understanding the problems, challenges, and solutions people are looking for helps formulate targeted content strategies that speak to customer issues. People will, in turn, consume your content, which signals to Google that your content is valuable and, thus, worth ranking higher on the SERP.

Target audience analysis involves understanding the mediums, formats, and distribution channels people consume content on as well.

3. Why buy website traffic?

This point takes us to the question “Why it is a wise decision to buy web traffic?” Purchasing ad views or clicks is the best way to generate unlimited traffic fast. Buying clicks is actually the fastest way to bring new visitors to your website.

While Search Engine Optimization (SEO) takes time to bear fruit, Pay Per Click (PPC) will give an immediate boost to page views.

Our advice? Paid traffic is definitely the way to go if you have the budget.

Having said that, you can get clicks to your ads even on a small budget. We will look at how you can accomplish that further down in this post, where we talk about inexpensive traffic

4. Real human traffic vs. fake bot traffic?

Before we dive further into answering more traffic FAQs, let us briefly debunk another myth. You might have come across sites that sell traffic or clicks, presumably from real human users on the internet. When you see advertisements such as these you need to be cautious.

There are indeed sites that place your ad before the eyes of real people. So, for example, there might be a network of users who agree to receive email marketing messages. In return, they get a chance to send their own email blasts to other users. This network is called a “safelist” and the procedure is called “traffic exchange.”

Then, there are online services which promise to send you real clicks, but what happens is that they use bots to emulate human behavior online. So, these bots, computer programs in essence, click on your links and browse your sites as if they were human. That is why bots like that might appear in Google Analytics as real users, usually with a high bounce rate. Unfortunately, traffic scammers have gotten better in the recent years, and are now able to deliver fake traffic with low bounce rate and seemingly real data, like source of traffic, country, type of browsing device and operating system, and more.

What you need to remember is that any service provider who is not able to explain exactly how they generate low-cost traffic is in all likelihood a con artist.

In brief, you should avoid spending your money on these types of services, because, even if the users are real, they’re not interested in what you have to offer. They’re probably clicking on your links only to get some benefit as part of a safelist, and they won’t pay attention to your offer.

5. Where to buy targeted website traffic?

Now that we’ve cleared up the myth of  “cheap clicks,” you are probably wondering where is a good place to buy website traffic?

There are different options. Let’s look at the best places to buy targeted traffic that converts.

A. Google AdWords

Well, what can we say about Google? The search engine giant also dominates advertising.

A recent report estimates that Google and Facebook account for 73% of all digital advertising in the United States.

When you’re setting up an ad on Google AdWords, you’re either buying search traffic or display traffic.

Simply put, if you’re advertising for search, your ad will appear on SERPs, when people search for your keywords.

Display ads on the other hand are mainly for displaying banners on third-party sites, and also for retargeting website visitors – meaning you’ll have your ad shown to people who have already visited your site at least once.

What you need to keep in mind is that Google AdWords is one of the best ways to drive targeted traffic to your site. Why? Because people who type in a search query are simultaneously expressing an interest in your keywords, as well as intent, before they finally click on your ads.

B. Facebook (and other social media)

Now, with social advertising, which is advertising on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other networks, you also get targeted traffic, although it’s not search-based traffic. Who sees your ads on social media has to do with their demographics, profile and declared interests. For example, you can target men, aged 20-35, who have liked car-related business pages on Facebook. Or, you can target women, who are engaged and their zodiac sign is Gemini.

“So, Google doesn’t have this kind of data?” you might ask. Of course it does. With demographic targeting in AdWords, you can reach a specific subset of potential customers who are likely to be within a particular age range, gender, parental status, or household income. How does Google determine demographic information? Apparently most people have a Google account, so Google knows more about their demographics and behavior than you would expect.

The difference here, compared to Facebook targeting, is that you use demographics to narrow down your target audience. As an example, while the trigger is a search query, you are able to filter out men from seeing your pregnancy yoga advertisement.

Another major difference is that social advertising is still relatively cheap when compared to Google Adwords. Advertising on Facebook is a good alternative source of targeted traffic, if you’re on a small marketing budget.

C. WebTargetedTraffic

Looking for alternative sources of affordable traffic? There are content promotion networks, like WebTargetedTraffic, which can help your business attract a targeted audience.

How content promotion networks (or content discovery platforms) work is by displaying your ad on blogs and other sites with related content, usually below a blog post. In this way, services like webtargetedtraffic enable advertisers to attract engaged audiences while, on the flip side, these networks give the ability to publishers to monetize their online properties.

D. Solo ads

For marketers and business owners that are promoting products and service in niches such as…

…solo ads are arguably the best way to go.

With solo ads, you are able to do email marketing using other people’s lists. How it works is that you have a solo ad provider email their subscribers with your email copy, and you pay them by the number of link clicks you receive from that particular email blast.

Solo ads can be an affordable way to draw targeted visitors to your offer but, be warned that not all solo ad services are legit. Again, there are fraudulent services that use bots to deliver fake clicks. How do you go about finding high-quality solo ad sellers? The simple answer is real-buyer reviews. Visit sites like, a marketplace for solo ads. There, you can see reviews from previous buyers under each seller’s listing.

We will give more ideas on how to find quality solo ads further down this article.

6. Which is the best place to buy targeted traffic?

Now that we’ve explained the main sources of targeted web traffic, it only makes sense to talk about how you can choose the best traffic source.

Well, to start with, the best way to go about generating traffic is to try out and test different sources. It’s a good practice to distribute your budget across different advertising media, so you can find out which one delivers the best results to your business with regard to conversion rate and sales revenue.

However, we understand that it’s not always possible to try out different sources of traffic. In this case, if you’re looking for the best place to buy website traffic, we must say that there’s no one single answer. It heavily depends on your industry, goals, budget and several other factors. If we absolutely had to put together a list of the top places to buy the best targeted traffic, we would definitely rank Facebook Ads and Google AdWords on the top 2 places on that list, though not in a particular order.

The best way to go about it is to schedule a free strategy call with us to help you find clarity on your paid advertising options. As soon as we know more about your niche, product and budget, we’ll be able to capitalize on our multifaceted experience and determine what traffic source would work best for your business.

7. How do I go about buying targeted traffic that converts?

Targeted traffic doesn’t always convert well. For example, people that are subscribed to solo ad lists might suffer from email promotion fatigue (meaning they are always bombarded with offers via email, and are likely not opening certain kind of emails anymore). So, in some cases, even if those subscribers click your solo ad link and land on your page, they won’t convert. They’ve seen so many similar offers, and even bought some of them, that they’re overwhelmed or disappointed from not seeing the results they were promised.

Where can you find the best targeted high-converting traffic?

Again the answer lies in the two leading paid traffic sources, namely Facebook and Google. Other PPC sources, like Bing Ads and Yahoo Gemini, can also bring you quality traffic – just note that these networks have a smaller audience reach compared to Google AdWords.

According to recent stats, Google controls nearly 75% of the search market, while Bing and Yahoo are somewhere between 5% and 10% each.

That is a reason why the advertising cost per click is usually cheaper on Bing and Yahoo compared to Google.

Another factor you need to consider when looking to buy the best targeted traffic that converts is where your audience find themselves in the buyer’s journey continuum.

Let’s briefly go back to theory, and explain how people go through stages before they decide to buy your product. The stages of the buyer’s journey are basically: awareness, interest, consideration, evaluation and, finally, purchase. In these two articles How to Create Content for Every Stage of the Buyer’s Journey  and How Content Marketing Drives Sales Throughout Your Buyer’s Journey we have explained more about these stages (although you might find some differences in the categorization) – and the point is this:

When you drive cold traffic to your offer, meaning visitors that have never seen anything about your brand before, it’s harder to drive conversions compared to displaying your offer to a warm audience. A warm audience is one that has come across your company marketing material before, and it’s even warmer if they have interacted with your brand in the past.

So, a mistake you might make when looking to attract the best targeted traffic is to expect a high conversion rate even though these people have never heard of your brand before.

What you can do instead, if you want to see better conversion rates, is to deploy a sales funnel (also called marketing funnel) that will help to convert cold traffic into warm leads, and advance people from the awareness stage to the evaluation and purchase stages.

8. What is the best web traffic source for targeted leads?

If your goal is not sales but leads, i.e. people interested in your offer who will subscribe to your mailing list, then cold traffic can convert really well, given that your landing page is carefully designed.

For example, our templates that you can find inside your Scriptly account have proven to convert at a rate of 42% to 54% depending on the niche, which is exceptionally good performance.

To sum it up, reaching a conclusion as to what is the best traffic source for targeted leads is quite difficult because again it depends on your niche, budget, and product. To reiterate what we’ve said before if we are forced to pick the top finalists for generating paid leads it would be either Facebook Ads or Google  AdWords.

9. How can I advertise on a USA traffic website?

If you want to restrict paid traffic to USA traffic only, it is certainly possible. In the case of USA traffic, there is the option to restrict the origin of clicks to your ads, whether you’re buying solo ads, search traffic, display ads or social network ads.

In other words, all platforms, and advertising networks provide the ability to choose where you want your web visitors to be located.

Traffic from “rich” English-speaking countries might also be referred to as “Tier 1 traffic,” indicating the tendency to consider USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand traffic of higher quality because, as most marketers would agree, people from Tier 1 countries spend more money online on average.

10. What are the best websites to buy quality traffic?

Another question we often get is “what are the best websites to buy quality traffic?” Now, here, there are two fundamental pieces of information we need to know before attempting to answer this question: What do you mean by “best websites” and “how do you define quality traffic?”

Then, we need to know what your business goal is. Are you trying to acquire more leads or are you trying to drive instant sales? Then, the conversation might lead to “how much is a lead worth to you?” All these pieces of the puzzle will help us paint the picture of “what are the best website to buy quality traffic?”

Again, the best way we can offer personalized help is to discuss your particular needs over a free strategy call which will give you clarity about the best advertising strategy for your product.

Now, sometimes the same question (“What are the best websites to buy quality traffic?”) comes from marketers who promote MLM or network marketing offers. Also, affiliate marketers might pose a similar question. In this case, websites as sources of traffic might refer to solo ad marketplaces.

If this is your case, then is a reputable place to buy quality traffic suited for MLM, network marketing, affiliate and business opportunity offers.

A lot of affiliates, also visit Facebook groups where buyers post reviews of solo ad sellers. This way, you can see what others are saying about ad sellers, and you’ll be able to pick the ones who seem trustworthy.

11. Is there a way to buy website traffic using a free trial?

We recently received the above question and thought it was quite strange. Buy website traffic using a free trial? What could that mean? What the client meant was that he wanted to try different paid traffic methods before he actually took his credit card out of his pocket. He needed proof that the traffic system worked, before he started spending money.

Free trials and promises of free premium traffic are often, as we explained earlier in this article, a hideout for scammers.

There are con artists online trying to take advantage of legit business owners who want to drive quality traffic to their sites. What these scammers do is use traffic bots, i.e. automated programs that open your page and are misinterpreted by Google as real visitors, although they’re just a machine.

So, be careful when you read claims like “free premium quality traffic,” unless it’s traffic that YOU generate from posting your own content on social media.

Unfortunately, there are people who want to persuade you to believe that they’re sending real traffic to your site while all they’re doing is sending fake clicks.

Again, social media posting and engaging with your audience is an effective way to get free traffic. When coming across other supposedly free traffic methods, please be cautious and ask for proof.

It’s always better to invest your small budget in a traffic source that you can verify (Facebook, for example) than to waste your dollars on something seemingly inexpensive that in reality will cost you a lot more in money, time, website reputation, and sanity.

12. How to buy cheap website traffic

If you’re marketing your business on a small budget, low price might be your top deciding factor.

Facebook is, in our experience, the best way to go for inexpensive website traffic.

How people understand the meaning of “inexpensive” is subjective. Different people mean different things with “cheap traffic.” Some affiliate marketers who run solo ads consider a $0.35 per click to be cheap. But what if you buy 1,000 clicks and you convert none of those into actual sales? What if the the leads you get are “dead,” meaning non-responsive to your emails?

So, what “cheap website traffic” or “cheap targeted web traffic” really means is that you are able to attract web visitors and convert them into paying customers in a profitable way. If you can’t make money from the traffic, then “cheap” suddenly becomes “expensive.”

So, how do you know if your traffic drives profits? To be profitable

“Revenue Attributed to PPC” must be higher than “Total PPC Cost.”

CPC X Number of Clicks = Total PPC Cost

Number of Clicks X Customer Conversion Rate X Average CLV = Revenue Attributed to PPC

13. How to buy AdSense-safe traffic

This question comes from website owners who monetize their online properties using Google AdSense. You probably know that Google can be really harsh with publishers who don’t conform with AdSense policies. In fact, if Google detects fake traffic coming in to a website that is part of the AdSense network, they will immediately and irreversibly close that account.

With that in mind, the best way to go about AdSense-safe traffic is to invest in good, search-engine-optimized content, which will slowly but steadily attract organic traffic.

14. Does SEO Improve Traffic?

In short yes! However, SEO is a long-term marketing strategy that often requires months of work upfront to pay dividends in the way of traffic and leads for a site, and so should not be viewed as a hack of any kind.

SEO involves a number of factors and actions that require repeated doing over a period of time in order to see any results.

The determining factors for the effectiveness of SEO efforts include:

We’ve created an in-depth resource on seeing results from SEO traffic to dig into and learn more.

15. How to use SEO to Improve Organic Traffic

Learning how to use SEO as a marketing tactic for business growth requires understanding of the three core aspects that form part of an SEO strategy: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and content.

Together, these should be used holistically to maximize their effectiveness.

a. On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is a tactic focused on making website pages as attractive to search engines as possible by optimizing elements such as meta titles, meta descriptions, and URLs; optimizing site speed; fixing broken links and linking between pages; and implementing keyword research and usage.

b. Off-Page SEO

This includes all efforts to boost a website’s SEO that all happen outside of the website. This strategy includes guest blogging, influencer outreach, link building, local listings, and others.

c. Content

Content, as we’ve previously mentioned, is what attracts visitors and keeps them on a website. Without it, you can’t have organic traffic.

Finding keywords that match users’ search intent is essential for content—as is creating content that users find valuable, and want to share with others. Essentially, if your content doesn’t answer the search intent of users, then it’s bad content and won’t rank. It has to be specific and meet a certain need.

16. How Editing Content Increases Traffic

Editing your content involves making it more readable and accessible, which helps people consume your content easily, and thus stay on your web pages for longer. Additionally, existing content should be checked regularly to ensure that it still aligns with the right intent and remains relevant to the given niche. Editing content further down the line can help you update it and implement the right keywords and changing SEO tactics.

17. What is the most effective way to generate website traffic?

Providing value to your target audience is the best way to build long-term relationships with your customers. The best marketing strategy for growing your business is always to create and publish content that your ideal customer is looking for.

By establishing yourself as an authority in your industry and providing concrete value to your customers through blog posts, eBooks, webinars, and podcasts, you will quickly see a marked increase in leads and sales. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t also be investing in paid advertising like AdWords, Facebook Ads, and retargeting campaigns.

Paid ads are a great way to drive immediate bottom-line results, but they also have the tendency to be more expensive and less predictable. By focusing your energy on providing value to your target audience, you’ll see a consistent increase in traffic and long-term engagement.

18. Why is it so hard to generate targeted website traffic?

There are many reasons why it’s challenging to get your ideal customers to come to your website. One of the main factors is that marketers today have a lot more choices when it comes to how they get their message out there.

For example, marketers who are just starting out often don’t know where to start – and end up choosing to focus on the wrong marketing strategies.

Additionally, the sheer volume of content being published online every second makes it challenging to break through the clutter, especially if you aren’t focusing on specific long tail keywords. Additionally, it is also important to understand that all channels have ebbs and flows – it might be harder to get traffic from one source today, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be easier tomorrow.

By having a clear strategy and understanding of how to get your message out, you can overcome these challenges. You’ll have a better understanding of exactly where your ideal customers are spending their time and how to effectively capture their attention.

19. How can you tell if your current marketing strategies are working?

If you’re not sure whether your marketing strategies are actually effective and bringing you the results you want, there are a few ways to figure this out. Assess your current marketing efforts – First and foremost, you’ll want to take a step back and assess what marketing strategies are currently being implemented throughout your entire business.

By taking a look at the big picture, you’ll be able to quickly identify the areas that need improvement. Track your website traffic – It’s important to track your website traffic to get a better idea of how your marketing efforts are impacting your website’s performance.

There are a number of free tools out there that allow you to track your website traffic. These include Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and a number of other website traffic tracking tools.

20. Which digital marketing strategies should you focus on first?

There are so many different digital marketing strategies out there that you could potentially work on at any given time. However, we suggest that you focus on a few key strategies at first, and then build out from there as needed.

Build an effective website:

– It all starts with your website. You need an effective website that is fully optimized so that your ideal customers can easily find you and understand the value you offer.

If your website isn’t up to scratch, you’ll find that it’s difficult to attract traffic and conversions. Find the right keywords

  • Once you have an effective website, you’ll want to figure out which keywords to target so that you can get your content in front of potential customers. This is where keyword research comes into play, so you can identify your target audience and develop a content strategy that resonates with them.

21. How can you measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts?

You can measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts with a combination of tools and metrics.

Website traffic:

– By tracking your website traffic and conversions, you can get a good idea of how well your current marketing strategies are performing. Search engine rankings – You can also track your search engine rankings and see how they are improving over time.

– You can track your social media engagement (likes, shares, comments, etc.) to see how your efforts are paying off. New leads

– You can also track the number of new leads you are receiving to see if your marketing efforts are bringing in new business.

22. How to generate traffic for an affiliate offer

Facebook doesn’t like affiliate marketers. Period. Why? Because a significant number of affiliate marketers have abused advertising channels in the past to drive traffic to offers that are deceiving, like push-button money-making methods and weight-loss programs with guaranteed results.

Having said that, if your affiliate offer abides by the advertising guidelines then there’s no reason why you can’t use Facebook to drive traffic to your affiliate offers.

So, how can you generate traffic for an affiliate offer without the risk of losing your email or ad account? Experienced marketers often create a written or video review of the software, course or product that they want to promote as affiliates. They also spice it up with valuable bonuses. Then, they use paid ads to drive traffic to that piece of content.

We hope these examples helped you get ideas on how you can promote affiliate products effectively. If you want to dive into more related content, here’s a post with Best Conversion Optimization Tools for Affiliate Marketing and another one specifically for marketers who want to generate traffic for an affiliate offer.

Finally, don’t miss this resource where we explain the complete affiliate marketing start-up strategy.

23. How do I retarget USA visitors on my website?

Some of our clients who have spent time educating themselves on traffic, often ask us about retargeting subsegments of web visitors.

It is true that retargeting (or remarketing) is pure gold; it’s an essential element of conversion rate optimization (CRO). In other words, if you want to achieve the highest possible conversion rates from the same volume of traffic, you need to add retargeting to your marketing arsenal.

Now, assuming part of your incoming traffic is from the US, you need a way to retarget those people to, say, promote a product that you ship to US addresses only. Or perhaps simply because you want warm Tier 1 traffic coming back to your site.

To do that you can use either Facebook or Google paid advertising. Both services give you a piece of tracking code (Facebook calls it a “Pixel”) which you need to have set up on your website before running retargeting campaigns. When you have the code set up properly, the advertising platform drops a cookie in the user’s browser. After this happens, you are able to retarget them. With retargeting, you can also choose to narrow down the target audience to include only people from a specific country.

24. How to track traffic from a website?

Google Analytics provides free website and web page traffic tracking. Register your website with Google Analytics and receive a unique code. Use this code on each web page to allow tracking. See website traffic in real time and for any date range. Other data available includes country or origin, device type, page views, time on page, web page speed and traffic source.

25. How long does it take for data to appear in Google Analytics?

Google Analytics can provide basic real time website traffic data and extensive historical website traffic data. When you register for Google Analytics a question on the time zone of the website is asked. This will influence how your website statistics are arranged in terms of data for days. One Google Analytics is setup you can ask for data from any date range from registration to yesterday.

26. How can one know which pages of a website drive more traffic?

Individual web page traffic can be determined using Google Analytics – Behaviour – Site Content – All Pages. The default date range is the last 7 days but you can adjust it. The report is sorted by Pageviews in descending order. Each page shows a page view count and a percent on total website traffic. Another column of interest is Entrances which shows the count of this web page being the first page used by the visitor.

27. What is the best tool to increase web traffic fast?

First create epic content that helps visitors that can be shared. Update your sitemap.xml file listing all your web pages. Then use you social media to make your audience aware of the new content. Use Pay Per Click advertising to gain traffic almost immediately. Create internal and external backlinks to the new web pages. Monitor your progress using Google Analytics. Look at the search phrases being used to reach your website. Expand your website visibility with more visitor desired content.

28. How to find out who visited my website using Google Analytics?

Google Analytics – Audiences can show information about your website users. It can show which country they are located, which city they are located in, which Internet Browser language setting they have like en-au is English Australian, which Internet Browser they are using, which Operating System they are using, which mobile carrier they are using, what device screen resolution they are using. Smartphone use to website is increasing which means your content needs to be mobile responsive.

29. How to make my website get traffic often via a search engine?

First register your website with Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools. Second create a sitemap.xml text file listing all your web pages. Submit the sitemap.xml file to Google and Bing. Wait a few days to see how many of your web pages are Indexed by the search engines. Only indexed pages will show up in search results. Fix any issues identified by the 2 Tools. Make more content and share it.

30. How to get my website to rank higher in search engines?

Create better content compared to your competitors. Make your content mobile responsive. Add meta data to describe your web pages to the search engines. Try to have a page load speed under 3 seconds. Work on gaining internal and external backlinks to your web pages. Create more comprehensive web page coverage of your niche compared to your competitors. Mix customer keywords, your industry keywords and your region in your content to be unique.

31. Where can I check the web traffic on my competitors website?

A free rough estimate of competitors website traffic can be gained using Alexa which is free. It shows website ranking in the top 10 million, there is a chance your are not in the top 10 million. Compare your website with your competitors. Paid tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs create their own database of website traffic. It shows website traffic volumes, keyword rankings, pay per click advertising present, keyword gap analysis. You can chart multiple websites side by side.

32. Can SEO help with ranking and traffic for my website?

Yes. Your SEO can be improved. Register your website with Google and Bing. Register your website to use SSL https security. Submit your sitemap.xml showing a list of your web pages. Use English URL filenames. Fix or remove broken hyperlinks. Avoid duplicate content, titles, H1 heading and meta descriptions. Try to include longer content which ranks higher. Add ALT image descriptions to your important images. Improve your page loading speed to under 3 seconds. Shrink images for web page use based on the display size. Make your web pages mobile responsive. There changes improve the user experience. This helps with getting a higher proportion of your web pages indexed by search engines. This helps with ranking and traffic.

33. What are the benefits of search engine optimization?

SEO benefits include, close to 100% web pages indexed by search engines, web pages responsive for PC tablet mobile, better user experience, longer user time spent on website and higher sales conversion. Making content that meets your known visitors search needs generates traffic, visitors and sales.

34. How to target country-specific website traffic?

Choose website hosting close to your largest audience country. Add hreflang values to your web pages for languages and country. e.g. en-us for English and United States. You can run multiple languages web pages with alternate links between languages. e.g. English and French for Canada. English is used by only about 500 Million of the 4 Billion Internet users.

35. How to rank fast in Google and increase my traffic?

Have your website domain name and sitemap.xml file registered with search engines. Add Google My Business or Bing My Business map entries for physical stores. Add your website address to your industry business directories. Create new valuable content for your audience and share it where they go online. Run multiple social media accounts with automated schedules to post when your audience is online. Increase your visibility by creating comprehensive content for your niche.

36. What are tips on increasing website traffic for a startup?

Buy the fastest website hosting you can afford which helps with content speed rankings near your target audience country. Look for free SSL certificate for https security. Register your domain name with Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools. Setup Google Analytics and receive your unique code for traffic monitoring. Perform keyword analysis, topic research, competition research to target your audience needs. Make mobile friendly content and submit a sitemap.xml file to the search engines. Add your website to your industry directories. Share your new content widely. Traffic will relate to quality content plus backlinks and build up over time.

37. How to get organic website traffic from social media?

Share your content on multiple social media accounts when your audience is online. Consider posting content around calendar events, seasonal user activities, news events. Tailor your post relative to your audience profiles. e.g. Facebook and Instagram for B2C, LinkedIn for B2B, women dominate Pinterest. Your post with website links can be shares and liked. These signals help with wider post content distribution. This can lead to more web page traffic.

38. What are the tools that can track social media traffic?

Buffer and Hootsuite can track social media traffic. They can also be used to schedule posts on multiple social media accounts in advance. Reports on followers, likes, shares and comments are available for all the registered social media accounts.

39. Do you worry about your website traffic and bounce rate?

Bounce rate is when a visitor only visits one web page on your site. If you have single page applications then this is fine. If you run a eCommerce site then there may be issues in users not converting into sales. Traffic relates to product awareness, product options, selection of best option and actions like purchase. Therefore traffic is indirectly related to sales and income. There may be multiple visits to your website before purchase.

40. How to gain more organic traffic on my website through a blog?

By writing a blog with new regular content provides more web pages for the search engines to index. If your blog post is indexed then there will be several phrases that it can rank for. If your share you blogs with your audience and social media then your visibility will go up. Over time you can have search engine ranking for thousands of search phrases that will generate organic traffic.

41. How to get continuous traffic to my website?

Consider building a website with multiple web pages around each topic. The more the better. Have internal links between web pages on the same topic. Share your content with social media. Build backlinks within your industry. Over time you will have organic, social media and direct traffic continuously.

42. How to increase traffic on a website within one month?

Check your website uses SSL certificate for https security, check your website has registered its sitemap.xml with the search engines, confirm there are no outstanding issues showing up on Google Webmaster Tool or Google Search Console, make your web pages mobile responsive, add viewport tags to your web pages, add Structured Data to your web pages. This will increase the number of web pages that are indexed by the search engines and increase your traffic. Start sharing content and gain backlinks for long term performance.

43. How to use long tail keywords for organic traffic?

Long tail keyword are search phrases with 3,4,5 or more words. They are easier to build exact content for and have less competition. When you build enough content around your niche your visibility will go up and you can rank for some of the shorter high traffic phrases.

44. What are the best sources for website traffic?

Search Engines handle 3.5 billion queries per day. They can also generate the most traffic to your website. Another source of traffic can be email marketing with website links included. You are in full control of your email list and are not dependent on Google or Facebook algorithm changes.

45. Why is my website traffic decreasing day by day?

Visitors using smartphones is now dominating website traffic e.g. two thirds. If your webpage is not mobile responsive with page load times under 3 seconds for a slow mobile then you will lose your audience. Google has a Mobile Friendly Index which you should strive to be on. Google Analytics can show you web page load times. It also links to Google Lighthouse which shows how mobile friendly your web pages are.

46. How can we track traffic on out site?

If you use Google Analytics code on your web pages then you can check traffic on your site in great detail. Visitors per day, web pages per day, country of origin, desktop traffic, tablet traffic, smartphone traffic, individual web page traffic, time on individual web pages, bounce rate, page load speed. You can set the start and end dates for your report. There is an option to add annotations by date. This can be useful to note new content, new strategies, marketing campaigns etc.

47. Is it worth it to buy web traffic for my new website?

Pay Per Click ads costs a cents to a few dollars per click to your website. Check how many PPC visitors become customers. When the lifetime value of a customer is over about 10 dollars then paying for traffic is worth it.

48. What are some quality sources of paid website traffic?

Google provides Google Adwords Search, Google Adwords Display, Google Adwords Shopping, Google Adwords Video, Google Adwords Mobile, Google Adwords Re-marketing. You get to control the keywords, ad copy, ad destination web page and spend per day. You can be billed for clicks to your website or per 1000 ad impressions. Return on investment is easy to see. Facebook ads can be useful for advanced targeting by age, gender, interests and location.

49. How to handle my website traffic?

Google Analytics can show you website traffic for any date range if your web pages include the GA code. When website traffic build up then improving your web hosting becomes important. Consider using Content Delivery Network services to delivery static website files. Look for web hosting that uses SSD solid state drives for speed. More expensive web hosting has less websites per server which gives you performance.

50. What is the benefit of traffic on a website?

Website traffic provides visitors which can lead to being prospects and clients. There are 4 Billion Internet users. Traffic to your website can be a new Customer Segment. A store can be physical and run eCommerce. A website can also sell digital products and services. These are made once and sold multiple times.

51. How can we identify unique visitors for a website?

Google Analytics can show New Visitor and Returning Visitor side by side. A return visitor is identified by cookies. If they use different devices or Internet browsers then they will be classed as new.

52. Which is best for targeted website traffic?

Google Adwords allows you to control Pay Per Click advertising, seen by the majority of Internet users on Google Search, YouTube, Android, Display partners and Google Shopping. A campaign can be operational in one day. You set the keyword phrases you are interested in, you can add negative keywords you are not interested in, they daily spend and the destination web page. This is useful for a new website or around a marketing campaign.

53. How to check website traffic by Google Analytics?

Open Google Analytics – Select your Website. The default view is website traffic for the last 7 days. There is a sidebar showing real time visitors to your website. If you click Audience then you can get more detail on website traffic for any date range.

54. How is website traffic actually recorded?

When someone visits a website, their computer or other web-connected device communicates with the website’s server. Each page on the web is made up of dozens of distinct files. The site’s server transmits each file to user browsers where they are assembled and formed into a cumulative piece with graphics and text. Every file sent represents a single “hit”, so a single page viewing can result in numerous hits.

It is not only the traffic on the website’s homepage that is monitored. Rather, all segments of the website are constantly monitored by the server to determine exactly how many hits each receives. In web vernacular, a single visit is known as a “session”. The minutia of each session varies, yet each has a beginning and an end point.

Servers are able to compile every request for a web page, arming its operator with the information needed to determine how popular the site is and which pages receive the most attention. When a web server processes a file request, it makes an entry in what is known as the “server log” on the server’s hard drive. The log gathers entries across posterity, forming a valuable database of information that the site owner can analyze to better understand the website’s visitor activity.

Organic traffic is any traffic that comes to your site from a search engine, but that isn’t paid for. Any organic traffic is going to be a result of your inbound marketing and SEO efforts.
Use Google Analytics. Google Analytics is one of the most popular web traffic monitoring applications available. It lets you track the route each visitor took to find your site, which can help you decide how to expand your outreach. Google Analytics has free and paid premium formats.

57. How Does SEO Increase Organic Traffic?

SEO increases organic traffic by getting your web pages to rank higher on search engines like Google. When you optimize pages for certain keywords, you rank higher for those search queries and generate more organic traffic.

58. What Percentage of Web Traffic Should Be Organic?

The higher percentage of organic traffic to your website, the better. Organic traffic recently grew to 53%, according to a BrightEdge study. Organic traffic boasts higher traffic and conversion rates, compared to paid methods. For these reasons, a high percentage of web traffic should be organic on your website.

59. What Does Organic Traffic Mean in Google Analytics?

Organic traffic in Google Analytics refers to website visits coming through search engines such as Google or Bing by unpaid methods. If you’re getting organic traffic in Google Analytics, you’re likely ranking well for certain search queries. Find organic traffic under the Acquisition section. Click All Traffic, then Channels.

60. What Does an Increase in Organic Traffic Mean?

An increase in organic traffic means your website is attracting more visitors on search engines like Google, without paying for ad space. Organic traffic is highly valuable, since it boasts a higher conversion rate. It is also less expensive than paid traffic.


So, that was it! A complete Q&A session about buying website traffic! We hope we answered your most pressing questions about free and paid traffic, how to get quality traffic fast, and how to choose the best source of targeted traffic for your business.

In conclusion, these methods are cheap ways to get high-quality website traffic.

There are many ways to get traffic at no or low cost, so they’re no excuses for not building your website traffic. Don’t forget about the potential of paid traffic from sites like Google and Facebook.

Whatever you choose, consistency in your efforts is the most important thing. Again, let me emphasise that growing your business online is not a sprint but a marathon. Be prepared to go the distance to attract high-quality traffic to your website.

Ready to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website?

Now that you have these tactics in your toolbox, you should be able to put together a simple strategy for getting more people to your site. Remember, though, that this isn’t a one-off exercise, nor do you have to try everything at once or use only one tactic at a time.

Try something. See if it works. If it fails, stick at it a little longer but bring something else into your roster. Most importantly, make sure the technical aspects of your site are running smoothly — if you need targeted audience, for example, we’ve got plans to suit any budget!

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